For different customer groups, we provide different bag fabrics for customers to choose. For example, some customers emphasized that the fabric needs great “tensile resistance”, or it needs to have excellent “water resistance”, or the customer needs exquisite “digital printing fabric”. We strive to provide the original fabrics required by customers according to the needs of customers, and our original fabric sources are in line with environmental protection standards, and in each daily operation, we have a strict quality management system, allowing us to make products that are comparable to others Differentiation of customized bags.
Established in Taiwan in 1994, our company has been manufacturing bags for 27 years. From product development to production and assembly, we provide excellent customer service and have cooperated with numerous well-known domestic and foreign bag brands. We can develop together with customers, solve problems together, and introduce new culture, new thinking mode and new system, which is the driving force for us to continue to progress.